

08:00 - 09:00
Registration and tasty breakfast
09:00 - 09:20
Opening remarks
09:20 - 09:55
Rik Vera

How to travel the twilight zone: creating a human2human digital realm

Welcome to the threshold of tomorrow, a place where the ticking clock of progress never halts. As we stand on the brink of 2030 and beyond, the question that looms large is: How can our company remain a beacon of relevance for people and society? Imagine, if you will, a Twilight Zone - not one of uncertainty, but of uncharted potential. Here, we are like Alice in Wonderland, driven by an insatiable curiosity. This zone is ripe with opportunities to seize the pen and author our future, rather than idly waiting for it to unfold. In this keynote, we will embark on a journey through innovation, exploring how to harness it and organize it effectively. It's about igniting creativity, fostering curiosity, and leveraging technology to rekindle the human-to-human connection that seems to be fading in today's digital world. Together, let's step into this realm of possibilities and design a future that's not only waiting for us but is shaped by us.

09:55 - 10:25
Sophie Dopheide

How to build a successful company culture

Is your company growing and do you struggle to keep your culture on the right track? Or are you just in search of tips and tricks on how to focus more on culture in your organization? Then join Sophie's Culture Talk to navigate the terrain of company culture. Delve into the theoretical foundations for cultivating a resilient organizational culture and gain valuable insights from practical examples. Receive expert tips to embark on your journey towards establishing a successful company culture so your business will thrive.

10:25 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
Sara Laurell

Self-Leadership and Mental Health for Leaders

Understanding Yourself is Key. By understanding your triggers and emotions, you can choose your reactions instead of being reactive. This empowers you to be a more mindful leader who can create a space for others to be themselves. Leaders who prioritize their mental health as well as healthy habits like sleep, exercise, and learning become role models. In this talk, we will cover the topic of self-care as a responsibility for effective leadership. Furthermore, join us to understand, that recognizing cultural differences, (e.g. burnout indicators in various cultures), allows for proactive leadership that fosters well-being.

11:30 - 12:00
Thomas Curran

Break Free from the Perfection Trap

This talk will be all about the perfection trap and how to avoid it. I'll discuss the overzealous drive for perfection that seems to pervade the modern workplace and the hypercriticality that germinates in a society that always wants more. I’ll also discuss why it is that while perfectionism seeks to improve us, it ultimately leads to negative consequences for our well-being and performances. If you want to know more about perfectionism and how we can turn the corner on it with actionable strategies this talk is for you.

12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:00
Nicklas Pyrdol

Accountability in Leadership: How to live it and foster it

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, accountability stands tall as the backbone of success. With hybrid and remote work becoming the new normal and the organizational structures become more fluid, we need to trust each other to take on the responsibility of our individual goals, roles, and tasks. It’s the key that unlocks the potential for seamless collaboration and thriving in this dynamic professional era. This talk will inspire you to build a culture of accountability through being a cultural role model as a manager, balancing clear communication, caring and consequences, creating a psychologically safe environment and fostering a feedback culture.

14:00 - 14:30
Jenny Garrett

Breaking Barriers: Leading with Inclusion in the Workplace

Join us for an insightful session as Jenny Garrett OBE unpacks the crucial difference between equality and equity in the workplace. Learn how to foster a culture of inclusivity and lead with empathy, respect, and fairness. Discover practical strategies to create a diverse and accepting environment where every voice is heard and valued. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and your team for success in today's rapidly evolving work landscape.

15:00 – 15:30
Thomas Fundneider

The Enjoyable Company: How to build an innovation-based company where people love working

Innovation, especially radical and disruptive innovation, cannot be ordered from the top. It requires, among other things, the creation of an enabling environment, a fertile ground, in which innovations can begin to emerge. One aspect of such an environment is the culture and mind spaces in which people work. But what does this mean in practical terms? In this session, we will explore what it means to innovate and build a company where people truly enjoy working. Experience how The Enjoyable Company can be implemented operationally in everyday life and take away concrete suggestions for your organization.

15:30 – 16:00
Tina Thalinger

Journey to High-Performing Teams

In today's dynamic business environment, fostering a healthy organization and strong company culture are crucial for success. Recognizing this, Henkel Consumer Brands, under the leadership of Tina Thallinger, Regional Head for Talent, Leadership, Learning and Culture, implemented a strategic culture initiative in 2022/2023. Join us to hear about this initiative, the "High Performing Team Journey," which was designed to leverage Patrick Lencioni's model to cultivate a collaborative, trusting, and accountable workforce.

16:00 - 16:30
Closing of the conference
19:00 – 22:00
HRLeader and HRTalent 2024 Awards ceremony and Maxman Consultants´ 30th B-day party
The organizer reserves the right to change the program.